Tuesday, October 11, 2005

van goCK! Did you hear that? She said van GoCK! Like an Arab, she spoke!

I'm sure this is a very known thing--but I just discovered it! It's IMDB for film scripts.(www.imsdb.com)
Any Woody Allen-lovers' wet dream. Esh. Wait, scratch that. You know what I mean. If you dig Woody the way me and my comrades do, it's such a great, nerdy reference guide. like, how else can one perfectly capture a line like,

"Don't you see? The rest of the country looks upon New York like we're-we're left-wing Communist, Jewish, homosexual, pornographers. I think of us that way, sometimes, and I-I live here."

So great.

This is also really neat (to use a "Chippewa Falls expression"), and it is yet another item that makes me wanna be in New York City. Right now.

Van Gogh: Expressive With a Brush, or a Pen
Published: October 11, 2005

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