Try this! Just enter your name in the box and behold the mindless entertainment. And it's British! Yay!
(thanks to Sarah A. and fuckingmyspacewasteoftime!)
If you keep hitting "refresh," you get more slogans, too. Dunno why it's so addictive...hey, it kinda makes you feel good about that consumerist-buy, buy, buy sorta, hey, *I* sound like a good deal!
Brianna. Unscripted.
Grab Life by the Brianna.
Let's Face the Music and Brianna.
Great Brianna. Great Times.
Only a Fool Breaks the Brianna.
Do You Eat The Brianna Last?
I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Brianna.
You Can Be Sure of Brianna.
A Brianna Is Forever.
Brianna Prevents That Sinking Feeling.
Why Can't Everything Orange Be Brianna?
....and the best two : Brianna Stays Sharp 'til The Bottom of the Glass & Puts the Brianna in Britain.
Get Cate or Get Out.
Simple, Impartial Cate.
Built Cate Tough.
You'd look a bit lovelier every day with a fabulous pink phil.
Stop. Go. Phil.
can you tel phil from butter?
aaaaaaaaaah. i WAS writing a paper. now WHAT AM I DOING?
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