Wednesday, December 14, 2005

when I grow up...

Ever since junior high, my dream was to be a writer. Of some ilk. I always *have* been a writer--I have been keeping a journal since I was 8 years old. If I don't write, I get depressed. It's inevitable. Lois Lane woulda been a good gig--I went to j-school, so it was always a possible career path. But the formulaic b.s. of newswriting always scared/pissed me off (my prof for news writing and reporting literally said, "you'll be putting your creativity on the back burner in here." Despite all that, I dug the class (the prof was one of the greatest I had in my college career--she was a goddamn stringer for the New York Times, baby). I did well, but knew it wasn't really for me.

I do love the news, though. I love reading the New York Times and would fantasize about being a hard-news-dame (like Lois or Maureen). But, arts writing is my ultimate love. It always will be. I still love short, pithy, clean sentences. I hate long, flowery drivel. Alas, what separates the English major from the J-school major.

So, when I came upon this little slice of heaven, it reminded me of my childhood dream (and current dream, actually): to just be a staff writer for E.W. (actually, to amend that, my true dream would have to be a staff writer for Q, Mojo, or NME-- let's be honest...)

In the descriptive listings for "What to Watch" in their t.v. section:

Arrested Development [a critical darling, that I never got into, that has been a victim of shit ratings] (Fox, TV-14-DL) HEIDI KLUM AND 15 OTHER SUPERMODELS COMPLETELY NAKED!! *program subject to change

How fucking great is *that*?

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