Friday, October 14, 2005

sounds like a snack, or a nick name

I'm on the bus and I look down at the back of my left hand, where I frequently write things to remind me to do something, write something, call someone. This morning (it's about 6:26 am, pitch black and I'm listening to the Clash) I see the word "tits" scribbled there.

I started laughing silently; shaking.

I ate dinner with my ma last night and she had just gotten back from a business trip in D.C. and she says, "So, yeah, Washington D.C. is tits, man."


Really, this isn't all *that* weird, considering my mother is the person who introduced me to the phrases, "fuckface," "fuckin' a," etc, etc. But, nonetheless, I freaked out, laughing, exclaiming, "what!???!" I have not heard this expression before and my 51-year-old mother is using it. Am I really that out of it? She used it like peeps used to use it when they cheesily said, "That's money," in that Swingers-universe we used to live in...mmmm Vince Vaughn....*sigh*

ANYWAY. I've decided that I like it! Dunno if I can really transition that into my daily vernacular, but hell, it's pretty funny cuz it makes me think of the Carlin bit again ("and now, new CheeseTits!")

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